I have been appointed to lead the ASP Board of Directors, again.
On Saturday, the Directors of the ASP (Association of Shareware Professionals), excluding myself, of course, named me as the interim Chairman of the Board, to serve through the end of the year (or more accurately, until the 2008 Board of Directors fills the position).
This is my second stint as ASP Chairman of the Board, the first being back in 2004, when I served from early February until the end of that year (when my term as Director expired). This time, I am succeeding Mitchell Vincent, who had been in the position since the beginning of 2006. He runs K Software, which develops and publishes billing software (among other things), and also works with e-commerce provider Plimus; he resigned from ASP leadership due to (understandable) time constraints.
The general meeting is coming up in December, when members will have the opportunity to choose, or be chosen as, Directors of the organization. If you have not done so, I encourage you to join the Association of Shareware Professionals, and if you are already a member, please seriously consider nominating yourself for a Director seat (details are in the cover article of the October ASPects).
I guess that it is now time to roll up my sleeves…