An IGDA Detroit social gathering will be on Monday.
IGDA Detroit, the Michigan chapter of the International Game Developers Association, will be having its August meeting on Monday [August 22]. Every other chapter meeting (even months) is a social event, or “pure networking” if you prefer, at an area establishment.
This month’s meeting details:
Monday, August 22, 20116:30pm to 9:30pm [or later]
Dick O’Dow’s
160 West Maple Road
Birmingham, MI 48009
[click here for map/directions]
For the first time in memory, this IGDA Detroit meeting is on a Monday (which, thankfully, means that I have no time conflicts, as I have for the last few meetings). I look forward to seeing a good turnout. Find me or Sherry and mention this blog entry and Digital Gamecraft will buy you a drink. As always, one can also follow IGDA Detroit on Facebook.