Stay home, stay safe, and do what you wish.
This is the tenth year I have written on this blog about Curmudgeon Day, the Friday after (US) Thanksgiving Day which is traditionally observed by refusing to leave the house, instead staying home and doing whatever activity you choose. The day has been recognized for decades, and others have tried to misappropriate it, especially recently, attempting to rename it and twist it to their wicked ends. Nevertheless, I remained committed to the original intent and observe faithfully.
Click here for more information on Curmudgeon Day.
Alas, I awoke this particular Curmudgeon Day with a headache, probably due to too much poor television before bed time, but that problem is resolving itself now. This post is the first significant thing I am doing today (after sleeping in), though I did some design for a project that is near and dear to my heart at the technical start of the holiday (before going to bed), and I plan to revise the design more and then work on implementation. Since I actually under-ate yesterday, I am looking forward to lots of very tasty leftovers, too.
If you support the idea of Curmudgeon Day, please like our Facebook page.
Our local NPR station just referred to today with the words “traditional holiday” and then, in dishonor of those who are shopping, played the ominous Night on Bald Mountain, by Modest Mussorgsky.
I’m all for it. I will confess to leaving the house for breakfast this morning, but that was what I wanted to do, so I think it is within the parameters.