Digital Gamecraft supports TableTop Day.
This Saturday, March 30, 2013, is International TableTop Day, a day devoted to playing games. It was created by Geek & Sundry as an extension of their TableTop web series, in which Wil Wheaton (*) introduces viewers to various board games and, of course, the fun to be had by playing.
“On March 30th, 2013, we ask you to go to your friendly local game store, neighborhood coffee shop, school auditorium, community center, or host a game day at your home and play more games.”
This is a cause that Digital Gamecraft supports 100%. This date corresponds to our (semi-)regular Saturday game night here at the office/home, so we will be hosting an International TableTop Day party, just a little larger than our usual gathering. If you are in the East Lansing [Michigan USA] area and would be interesting in attending, email me ( for an invitation.

Small sampling of TableTop and traditional games available.
We will have several of the games featured on TableTop in the past, including Ticket to Ride [Europe], Settlers of Catan, Munchkin, Fluxx (we hope!), Dixit, and (new arrival) Zombie Dice, as well as honorary member, Cards Against Humanity, which we discovered through a Wil Wheaton tweet, plus other favorites such as Bohnanza, Apples to Apples, and many more.
(*) When I met Wil Wheaton (once), back when we were both a bit younger, we talked for quite a while about video games (in particular, ST:TNG, “A Final Unity“, on which I was Senior Software Engineer) and I never realized his love for table games, nor he mine, obviously. [Look for a separate blog entry in the future.]
Wherever you are, please take the time this Saturday to play games, in person.